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A Calling

Updated: May 8, 2022

By Bethany Barker

A calling is something that is engraved on our hearts before we are born. I picture God sitting at His crafting table building me piece by piece. The last thing He must do is give me a heart. God, the potter, takes a chunk of clay and His strong and gentle hands start forming it into a heart just for me. The last step before putting it in, is to engrave on it. He takes out His tool and slowly engraves my calling. He holds up my heart and says, “It is good”. He gently places it in my chest. It becomes my guiding light, a beacon that helps lead me. I don’t know where it is leading or what the future looks like, but I know, without a doubt, it is leading me where I was meant to walk.

"He takes out His tool and slowly engraves my calling. He holds up my heart and says, 'It is good'."

Matthew 28:19-20a niv states, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Jesus spoke this to the disciples right before he ascended up to heaven. It is known as the Great Commission. The Great Commission is a calling all of us have as Christians. We are to go and teach others about Jesus. The Great Commission calls all believers to teach others about His word, His will, and His sacrifice as well as encourage them in the development of their relationship with Him. However, this calling will look different in each believer’s life.

Our calling in our personal lives will look and be lived out differently. Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthian church about each of us being different. He writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12 and 14 niv “There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body… So the body is not made up of just one part. It has many parts.” Paul points out that as the church and the body of Christ, we are made up differently. However, those differences help the body move forward. Not all of us are called to be missionaries or pastors the same as not all of us are called to be surgeons, lawyers, or construction workers. Each of us has a unique calling on our lives with the shared calling of telling others the good news of what Jesus has done.



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